Cleaning to prevent colds and flu
It’s true you can clean to prevent colds and flu…read on….Here is what The Royal Maid Service recommends…
Here in Clearwater Florida , it is cold, not as cold as further north but for us Floridians 50 degrees is cold. What’s more, in Florida we can be 50 degrees one day and 75 degrees the next, so with the cold and flu season in full swing we want to try to prevent an outbreak in our homes. We can clean to help prevent colds and flu….In addition to the general cleaning we need to continually disinfect and kill germs in all areas and things that our hands come in contact with every day.
I am not usually a fan of throw away wipes but for this job I am, as you don’t want to spread germs which may be on a cloth to other areas. I would suggest Clorox wipes, and plenty of them!!
“As an antibacterial disinfectant, Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers kills 99.9% of viruses*, bacteria, staph†, E.Coli‡, salmonella§, and strep**. As a cleaning product, its texture and thickness handles bigger messes and disinfects 2x the surface area of other disinfecting wipe.”
Think of all the places we touch and clean them…..Regularly. For the season this needs to become part of the cleaning routine!
Use Clorox wipes to clean:
• Computer keyboards and mouse
• I pad screens
• Telephones, both cell phones and land lines
• TV remotes, kids gaming remotes, garage remotes
• Door Handles
• Light Switches
• Backs and seats of regularly used chairs
• Refrigerator /freezer handles
• Toilet handles
• Draw pulls in the kitchen and bathroom
• Steering wheels and controls.
In addition be super vigilant cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces regularly to prevent germs. If a member of the family starts to sneeze, teach them to sneeze “vampire style”, that is sneezing into the crook of their arm instead, sneezing without protection…sneezing straight out can project viruses up to 6 feet!!
And it goes without saying but vigilant hand washing and hand sanitizer where required goes a long way to preventing the spread of colds and flu.